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Release Notes 1.36 Hotfixes 1-11 -

Written by Daniel Wang | May 27, 2021 7:29:00 AM


  • Created a notification popup for integration errors in MSPbots App.
  • Added improvements in checking created rules for Next Ticket.
  • Graphical user interface improvements for Widgets to be consistent with other windows.
  • DATTO integration is now available on the MSPbots App.
  • Improved synchronization of integrated apps.
  • Improved the user experience by modifying the position of the buttons to be readily accessible.
  • User interface improvements on the data captured on Quickbooks.
  • Shortened hyperlink to hide “the real web address” in Reports.
  • Improve duplicate data validation to improve reporting accuracy.
  • Added link on the bot notification to identify the specific bot being triggered.
  • Improved data preview on Widget builder.
  • Improved user interface for filtering integration dataset.
  • Improved user experience to show the status of integrated apps.
  • Improved drop-down filtering of data to support user input.
  • Improved Graphical User Interface integration page.
  • Added the User Home Channel option in Teams for bot notification.
  • Added a cloning feature on the Widget for users to save time creating the same Widget.
  • User interface enhancement in showing the list of Datasets that can be connected in Bot 3.0.
  • Obscured the password field in Quickbooks Integration for additional security.


  • Background code enhancements in fetching dataset lists for Bots 3.0.
  • Fixed an identified bug in Financial App where some tables are not populating properly.
  • Fixed a bug in the edit feature of Widgets while inside the Report that is not functioning.
  • Fixed a bug in Widget Builder where user identified columns to Hide/Show is not functioning.
  • Fixed a bug in synching integrations with ConnectWise where some clients are getting an error.
  • Fixed a bug in Bots where message counters for ‘Ready’, ‘Received’ and ‘Read’ is not working.


  • Successfully integrated Datto into MSPbots application.
  • Added UI enhancements on the ‘More Edit’ functionality of the app.
  • Optimized the loading time of the Widgets.
  • Fixed a bug wherein the Bot is not generating the alert messages.
  • Fixed a bug wherein the Bot trigger report crashes by converting the Widgets to use Datasets.


  • Optimized the querying of data to improve the performance of the application.


  • Continuous improvement on syncing real-time data into the MSPbots application.
  • Ongoing enhancement on the Reports to show the creator and last person to modify the Report.
  • Improved security on data privacy of other tenants or clients.


  • Added an option to format the texts font, colour and size.
  • Fixed a bug in Bot to send multiple messages when triggered.
  • Fixed a bug to be able to select the appropriate field in the filter box.
  • Fixed a bug to show the Bot Name instead of the Bot ID.
  • An improved user interface to be consistent in other pages of the app.
  • An improved user interface to be more visually appealing.
  • Fixed a bug in Bot logic to accurately track the number of messages sent.
  • Added a date filter on the Widget Builder page.
  • Fixed a bug to display the correct default date.
  • Fixed a bug in the sorting functionality of the app.
  • Fixed a bug to accept user input when filtering data.
  • Fixed a bug to show the newly created Bot with integration.
  • Improved the user interface to display lengthy messages.
  • User Interface enhancements to display the icons consistently on all the pages.
  • Fixed a bug to display the correct time format based on user timezone.
  • Fixed the drill-through functionality on the Widgets to display the correct information.
  • Fixed a bug to generate an alert on tickets with no subtype.


  • Fixed a bug to display accurate data to other tenants.
  • User Interface enhancements to fit the text into the screen.


  • Added another bar chart design on the Widgets to better visualize the reports.
  • Fixed a bug for the user to be able to save and modify the name of the Bot.
  • User Interface enhancements on the Feedback page of the MSPbots application.


  • Enhanced the ability to filter through data in the MSPbots application.
  • Fixed a bug to maintain the consistency of data in all the pages of the MSPbots application.


  • Added an additional filter ‘Equal To’ on the Date time field to display data.
  • An Improved Design of the ‘Ok’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons when filtering data.
  • Fixed a bug to display the correct time format.
  • Optimized the loading of a large amount of data in the app.
  • Fixed a bug that is causing the integrated applications to load slowly.
  • Fixed a bug to trigger the bot at a specified time correctly.
  • User Interface Enhancements in displaying the line graph to autofit to the window.
  • Fixed a bug to correct a bot notification in sending to the correct channel.


  • Fixed the date format to reflect a user’s timezone in the bot message.
  • Fixed a bug wherein a bot is not sending an email notification to the intended recipient.
  • Fixed the ‘dark mode’ feature when creating the email template of the bot.


  • Added the ability to edit the X-Axis labels on the Bar chart.
  • Added a new Widget design-TreeMap to display hierarchical data.
  • Added the year on the last sync date of the integrated applications.
  • Fixed a bug wherein the title of the widget is zoomed in and unreadable.
  • Fixed a bug wherein the drill-through of data in the clustered Widget is the same in the columns.
  • Fixed a bug where the Trigger Page on the bot shows ‘No data’ when Widget/Dataset is selected.
  • Fixed a bug wherein the dropdown text is coloured white.
  • Fixed a bug wherein a Bot is not sending the alerts.