We’re about to reach a major milestone in our product development, which will be the release of our new bot engine. We’re very excited! In the meantime, here’s our Release 1.32.
Here are the highlights of this release:
- Added drill-through to the blocks of charts in Widgets.
- Added Preview Feature when modifying Widgets.
- Added a button to disconnect software integrations for Admins.
- Added conditional formatting option to Widget builder.
- Enhanced the Widget builder by adding a design preview.
- Fixed a bug with newly created Datasets not appearing in the list.
- Enhanced the Dataset performance improving their loading speed.
- Improved appearance of office.com hyperlink in the Get Started.
- Enhanced Next Ticket screen improving the appearance of ticket number.
- Enhanced ease of filling out the survey in the Get Start Step 1.
- Enhanced ease of following Get Started by setting Config view expanded by default.
- Added Widget option to group fields by date or number.
- Enhanced Next Ticket dashboard by adding User filter.
- Fixed a bug with Attendance not displaying in Teams Mobile App.
- Fixed a bug where the Detail button in the Integration setup not working.
- Fixed a bug where Home Channel selection in User Management is incorrectly allowing input of text.
- Enhanced the Widget Builder improving the readability of text.
Hotfix 1
- Added Widget option to group fields by date or number.
- Fixed a bug where some Reports appear in the list of Clients with no QuickBooks API connected.
- Fixed a bug where new sign-ups don’t appear on the list of Clients.
- Fixed a bug with Widget Builder where selected Export options are not appearing on Preview.
- Fixed a bug with Widget Builder’s where the delete button is missing on applied filters.
- Fixed a bug where some custom reports are incorrectly appearing on other Client’ views.
- Fixed a bug with Widget Builder where “Summarize By” and “Group By” results in error.
- Fixed a bug with Widget Builder where Row Limit is set as default to 0 resulting in “no data’.
Hotfix 2
- Add a feature wherein a widget can have multiple layers and calculation metrics
- Fixed a bug with Widget builder where Bar graph is incorrectly displaying no data
- Enhanced the text style of Widget builder improving readability
- Enhanced the Integration page improving visibility of software that could be connected to MSPbots.
- Fixed a bug where Xero last sync date column is not appearing in Client Detailed Info
- Enhanced the Integration Badge by hiding it when all software integration has successfully been setup
- Enhanced the User Management screen improving the clarity of User status
- Fixed a bug where delete button is missing in Bot Trigger design screen
- Fixed a bug where widget filter returns no data in Bot design
- Fixed a bug with Widget builder where ‘Group By’ data is not appearing Preview
- Fixed a bug with Widget builder where changes are incorrectly not being prompted to hit Apply first
- Fixed a bug with Widget builder where “Order By” filter incorrectly remains after the source Dataset is unselected
Hotfix 3
- Added morphing of the mouse pointer to point-finger when hovering over number card Widget.
- Fixed a bug with bar chart Widgets not displaying data in the ‘Group By’ filter.
- Enhanced User Management screen improving the visibility of User Name list.
- Fixed a bug with Widget drill-through not displaying data in columns.
- Fixed a bug where editing Report Name incorrectly prompts that the field cannot be empty.
- Fixed a bug where no data was incorrectly displaying when running Widgets.
- Fixed a bug where no data was incorrectly displaying on “group by” filters selection.
- Fixed a bug where old data from deleted Line Widget was incorrectly displaying when creating a new one.
- Fixed a bug with the Clone screen of Widget where words are incorrectly breaking to the next line of the Description box.
- Fixed a bug with the Integration screen incorrectly displaying QuickBooks Online for Clients with QuickBooks On-Premise.
- Fixed a bug with card number Widget incorrectly displaying “no data” under the “Measure” filter.
- Fixed a bug with Widget Building incorrectly displaying empty drop-down menu under Columns Setting.
- Fixed a bug with Widget Builder incorrectly prompting to add a Measure filter.
- Fixed a bug with Widget Builder not displaying data when there’s “group by” is added in Measure filter.
- Fixed a bug with the pie chart Widget not displaying data.
- Enhanced Integration screen improving the visibility of alert messages when Teams is not in sync.
- Fixed a bug with Widget Builder where long rule names incorrectly overlap the tool description.
- Fixed a bug where Title name was not displaying in preview pane of Widget Builder.
- Fixed a bug where adding a new Conditional Formatting rule leads to exception error.
- Fixed a bug where adding Measure and Order By data filters display no data in Widget Builder.
- Fixed a bug in Widget Builder where formatting for Summary By data filter is not taking effect.
Hotfix 4
- Modified the Widget drill-through to display the Widget name on the header.
- Modified grid Widget drill-through to display hyperlinked text in blue.
- Added 12 hours am/pm date and time formatting for Summarize By filter in Widget Builder.
- Enhanced the card number Widget by applying a new default font formatting.
- Fixed a bug with the pie chart in Widget Builder where changes in Title do not refresh automatically in Preview.
- Fixed a bug where creating new Widget results in “no data”.
- Fixed a bug where deleting the “Group By” filter in Widget Builder results in an error.
- Fixed a bug where a bar is not visible in bar graph Widget.
- Fixed a bug where the page header in Widget Builder is incorrectly not allowing edit.
- Fixed a bug where adding a new Calculation layer in Widget Builder results does not display data.
- Fixed a bug with a new Sign-up not synching client information to internal CRM.
- Fixed a bug where some reports in development status are incorrectly displaying in Client views.
- Fixed a bug with existing Widgets incorrectly showing no data.
- Fixed a bug with Widget Builder incorrectly not applying selected source data in the Dimension filter.
- Fixed a bug with timestamps in Integrations displaying an incorrect time zone.
- Fixed a bug with Widget Builder displaying error codes when moving to Conditional Formatting tab and no Role is applied.
- Fixed a bug where the Time Doctor icon is not displaying in the Integrations list.
- Fixed a bug with Progress Widget incorrectly displaying more than 2 decimal fractions.
- Fixed a bug with Widgets incorrectly displaying an empty list for a new Client.
- Fixed a bug where adding 2 or more Conditional Formatting rules results in an error in Widget Builder.
- Fixed a bug where adding 2 or more Measure data filters of the same type results in an error in Widget Builder.